People Impacted
Mazengo-Handali Village
Projected Completed Date

Mazengo-Handali Village is remotely located in the Chamwino District, Tanzania and is home to 3,752 people. The entire community is living without access to clean water. Women and young girls walk 4 kilometers, multiple times a day, to collect water from a contaminated open well. The water source poses extreme dangers with the threat of attacks from wild animals and rape. Water for this community is scarce, in the dry season, the community waits for hours for the water to replenish. Consuming the water causes waterborne illnesses including diarrhea, Cholera and Typhoid, to be prevalent in the community. In April 2021, 3,752 lives were changed when Innovation: Africa, with the generous support from Roger & Sharon Eschenroeder, Tom Snitzer and Water 4 Mercy, installed a solar water pumping system in Mazengo-Handali Village. Two water towers were built, housing a 10,000-liter water tank and distributing water to 14 taps throughout the village. Access to clean water is revolutionizing Mazengo-Handali Village; the daily risks of contracting waterborne diseases has been eliminated, children have returned to school to receive an education and people are seeing their health and hygiene improve. The well-being and livelihood of the village has been forever transformed.